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Last supper as applied to dissection. Notice the balance of the painting itself as far as color and even the beams in the ceiling, also notice the duality and harmony by the intersecting yin/yang and Harmony being represented by the formation of the heart.  

The Golden Section was used extensively by Leonardo Da Vinci.  Note how all the key dimensions of the room and the table in Da Vinci's "The Last Supper" were based on the Golden Section, which was known in the Renaissance period as The Divine Proportion

This is a copy of Da Vinci's mirrored dissection from the book by Ivan Moscovich called Leonardo's mirror and other puzzles after it has been solved and color coded for the viewers convienince.


The mirrored dissection before being solved into the 6 pieces.

As seen in the book by Ivan Moscovich.  The dissection in it's original test can be found in Leonardo's Codex atlanticus

two points


the circle.  The sacred shape repressenting one and all.


Now let's swing  A down and get that machine going

  an artist interpretaion of the formation of the vesica.

 two  more points where the process will begin again and again until infinity.


Here we see that when the swinging motion is applied, the formation grows to infinity. It is then begins to become clear why the acients viewied geometry as Sacred and associated the Vesica with origns of life, or the Vagina.

.To Infinity and beyond  

The 52 (51.827) degree angle slope of the sides of The Great Pyramid in Cairo, Egypt embodies the Golden Mean which is the ratio that is used in Nature to generate growth patterns in space. Sacred Geometry studies such primal systems which reveal the unity of the cosmos by representing the relationships between numbers geometrically. The Vesica Piscis is one of the most fundamental geometrical forms of this ancient discipline and it reveals the relationship between the The Great Pyramid and the 2 dimensional expansion of a circle of one unit radius R as shown in Figure 1. This relationship is more completely described in The New View Over Atlantis by John Michell published by Thames and Hudson.

This is an example of the lines that Da Vinci used in the painting, with the temple being the vanishing point. A fact recognized by todays authorities and Historians. Notice the connection with the picture to the right titled "The Geometry for the "layout" of the entire painting.


This is the layout that was used in the painting itself, now this time we have dual Vesicas, coincidence?















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